When pupils leave St Bede’s, we want them to know more, remember more and understand more about the world around them. We aim for all of our pupils to have a secure understanding of the academic content of the curriculum, as well as the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible and aware. They will be independent, resilient and confident learners, equipped with the knowledge and values needed to continue their learning journey at KS3, and a love of learning which will stay with them as they progress in the future. Pupils will have a deep understanding of our school and trust values, and demonstrate these in their behaviour, attitude and actions towards others in their community. Our pupils’ will have the ability to ask questions, and apply their knowledge to think creatively and critically about what they have learnt, making links and connections which deepen their understanding. They will have a rich vocabulary, and be effective communicators who have the foundations to go on to be successful, life-long learners.

The impact of our curriculum is monitored in a range of ways including:

  • Ongoing formative assessment by class teachers, in line with progression ‘end points’ within each curriculum subject, which informs planning and teaching in subsequent lessons and enables pupils to move forward in their learning.
  • Summative tests in English and Maths every half term to identify knowledge, gaps in pupil’s knowledge, and inform next steps.
  • Monitoring of pupil progress in line with national expectations and predicted outcomes.
  • Assessment of foundation subjects allows pupils to demonstrate their knowledge, and enables teachers to identify pupils working towards, at and beyond age-related expectations.
  • Pupil voice, behaviour and attitude to learning – children talk positively and enthusiastically about their learning experiences and can articulate their learning journey (what they have learnt before, what they are learning now and where they are going next.)